Thursday, December 15, 2011

Article HTML Tips: Creating Simple HTML within your article content

Generally, advocates minimal use of HTML in an article; however, sometimes it can be to your benefit.

Here are some HTML tips to get the results you are looking for:

1. How to Make a URL/Website Address "Linkable":

This code: <a href=""></a>
will make "" a clickable link.

Just substitute your website address into the above code and now you know how to "link" up a website address.

2. How to Create an Anchor Text Link:

This code: <a href="">Your Website Address</a>
will make "Your Website Address" a clickable link.

Use anchor text links sparingly when submitting an article. Many Ezine publishers have anchor text link limitations. At, you can have one URL in an article to any one site. Duplicate URLs in an article body could lead to your article being rejected.

3. How to Make Something Bold:

This code: <b>Make my words bold</b>
will make the words between the <b></b> code bold.

4. How to Make Something Italic:

This code: <i>Make my words italic</i>
will make the words between the <i></i> code italic.

5. How to Make Something Underlined:

This code: <u>Make my words underlined</u>
will make the words between the <u></u> code underlined.

6. How to Make a Bullet Point List:

This code:
<li>First bullet</li>
<li>Second bullet</li>
<li>Third bullet</li>
will create a list with round bullets.

7. How to Make a Numbered List:

This code:
<li>First point</li>
<li>Second point</li>
<li>Third point</li>
will create a list with descending numbers for each point.

The next edition of the EzineArticles Training Series: An Introduction to Article Writing and Marketing will provide tips for using the "What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Editor".

Wordpress Development, Drupal Web Development

Creating Successful Article Resource Box Content

Your Article Resource Box is an effective tool in generating traffic to your website.

Here are some tips in creating the components of your Article Resource Box that can help you maximize this traffic.

  • Your Name: You'd be amazed at how many people forget to include their name in the Resource Box. Your name and optional title should be the first thing in your Resource Box. Make sure your readers know that they are reading material from an actual person, not a business or company. This can encourage the reader to find out more about you and the information you are providing.
  • Your Website Address: Make sure your website address is in valid URL form.


Using the full valid URL instead of an anchor text link will ensure that your link remains active when a publisher re-uses your article.

  • Your Pitch: Create 1 to 3 sentences that encapsulate the essence of what make you and your offer unique. This is also known as your USP (Unique Selling Proposition).
  • Your Call to Action: Now it's time to lead your reader to buy from you or visit your website. This is where you "Ask for the Sale." Typically, only 1 specific call to action is best. This can be as simple as "visit my website at the above link (or include the link here) for more information on XYZ".

Your Article Resource Box is now complete and can greatly increase the amount of traffic generated to your website.

Reap the Rewards of the Resource Box!

The next edition of the EzineArticles Training Series: An Introduction to Article Writing and Marketing will offer a "how-to" in creating simple HTML within your article content.

Symfony, PHP Development, Hire Drupal Developers

Article Body: Do's and Don'ts

Article Body Do's:

  • Give: Your article body should impart your expert strategies, tips and knowledge.
  • Be Clear and Concise: Your article body may benefit from the use of bulleted or numbered lists to break down your article in an easy to read fashion.
  • Use Bold and Italics Occasionally: Bolded or italicized words can draw the reader's eye to your most important information. If used excessively in your article body, you will lose this effect.
  • Put Links in your Resource Box: Your Resource Box is your "take". Generate traffic to your site by placing active links in your resource box.
  • Entice Your Reader: Provide enough information in the Article Body to keep the reader engaged. Entice them for more with your "pitch" and link in your Resource Box.

Article Body Don'ts:

  • Pitch: Website owners and Ezine publishers will not re-publish material that is just a veiled sales pitch. Save it for your Resource Box. Your quality, original article body content will market itself more successfully if written in a "non-sales" manner.
  • HTML: Creating links or keyword anchor text links in your article body will only hinder your chances of Ezine or website re-publishing. Save the links for your Resource Box.

The purpose of your article body is to share your expertise and provide useful information to your reader. Make sure you keep them in mind as you are writing and don't forget about your keyword-rich article title.

The next edition of the EzineArticles Training Series: An Introduction to Article Writing and Marketing will take an in-depth look at creating successful Resource Box content.

Symfony, PHP Development, Hire Drupal Developers

Article Summary: Do's and Don'ts

The purpose of your article summary is to entice a potential reader to read the rest of your article. Get right to point and playfully tease your audience with the benefits they will receive if they read your article.

Article Summary Do's:

  • Create in Proper Length: Your article summary should be 2 to 5 sentences long.
  • Give Emotional Benefit: Speak directly to your reader of the emotional benefits that can be gained by reading the information in your article body.
  • Target your Reader: Give your ideal reader reasons they should continue reading your article.
  • Include Keywords: Your article summary should mention at least 3 to 5 keywords relating to your article topic, using keyword research tools.

Article Summary Don'ts:

  • Repeat Your Article Title
  • Repeat Your Author Name
  • Pitch You or Your Business
  • Include your URL or E-Mail Address
  • Blatantly Self-promote
  • Create an Article Summary more than 2 paragraphs or 7 sentences in length.

The next edition of the EzineArticles Training Series: An Introduction to Article Writing and Marketing will focus on Article Body do's and don'ts.


Article Title and Keywords - Creating a Keyword-Rich Article Title

In traditional copywriting, your headline determines as much as 95% of the success of the book or article. This statistic takes into consideration what makes the book title successful: whether or not a human purchases it.

Article marketing success on the internet must take into consideration how the article is found by readers.

  • Myth: Most people will read your articles because they came to a website and started browsing just like they do if they were at a local book store.
  • Fact: Most people search the Internet using one of the major search engines. They will type 1 to 5 keywords that are related to the topic of the article or information they are looking to locate. The search engine will then deliver results that best match the human's interest.
  • Goal: Find your articles in the search engine results for the keywords and topics that are most relevant to the content of your article. Most search engines give heavier weight to the first 3-5 keywords and a lower priority to the rest.

The first 3-5 words of your article title determine the success of your article in terms of how much traffic your article will generate back to your website. Create keyword-rich article titles that match the most commonly searched keywords for your topic.

You can maximize your article marketing strategy by understanding keyword research and creating keyword-rich, intelligent article titles. You can create massive amounts of traffic to your articles and website thanks to the search engines who love smart, keyword-rich titles.

Here are some Keyword Research sites to help you create your keyword-rich Article Titles:

  • Google AdWords:

The next edition of the EzineArticles Training Series: An Introduction to Article Writing and Marketing will give you the Do's and Don'ts of Article Summary content.
